All we are asking is indepedence from Belgrade only to meet them again in Bruxelles and Strasbourg on equals terms under European game rules. Ciao. P.S. Il mio padre ha tradotto per un'unit? di intelligenza di EI in estate-cade 1999. ... These are the massacred persons that could have been identified up to now: Mehmet Muharrem Bala (47), from Rimanishta Fadil Mehmet Bala (19), from Rimanishta Avdyl Osman Sejdiu (50), from Rimanishta, all these three persons have been ...
Rimanishte Rimnik Rodel Rogacice Rogove Rohot Romaje Romaje Ropice Ropotove e Madhe Ropotove e Vogel Rosuje Rracaj Rrepe Rrypaj-Madanaj Ruboc Rubofc Rudar i Madh Rudar i Vogel Rudine Rufc i Ri Rufc i Vjeter Ruishte Runik Runjeve Rurdare ...
Rimanishte Rimnik Rodel Rogacice Rogove Rohot Romaje Romaje Ropice Ropotove e Madhe Ropotove e Vogel Rosuje Rracaj Rrepe Rrypaj-Madanaj Ruboc Rubofc Rudar i Madh Rudar i Vogel Rudine Rufc i Ri Rufc i Vjeter Ruishte Runik Runjeve Rurdare ...